Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hybrid Homes Expands its Services

I am excited to announce that Hybrid Homes has put a few more arrows into our quiver.

For the longest time, I had a problem with metal roofs, because I never met a company that did a great job installing metal roof. Recently, I made the call to hire a metal roof instructor to teach us how to install metal roofing because I really like metal roofs and have designed many homes that will have metal roofs. Once the word got out that we are installing metal roofs, the phone is ringing off the hook. We are currently booking up with installs of steel roofs for other builders and homeowners. What an exciting thing to get into! The metal roof industry has been ready for some new blood for many years, and here we are! We have a crew that will handle the metal roof installs, I hope that I am allowed to work on more metal roofs, because I think it is very fun and such a great skill set to have. Let me know if you are interested in learning more about our metal roof services..

Originally, Hybrid Homes built just ICF houses and installed all the ICFs for our projects ourselves until we got busy and had to hire outside installers to do our ICF work. Much like metal roofs, I was never perfectly happy with the work that was being done with regards to ICFs, so, I have made the decision (actually I made it last year) that we would invest in the equipment we needed to once again install our own ICFs. This has been a very important part of our business for many years, and to ensure that our reputation for high quality and our solid back bone in business continues at our high standards, we have a crew set up to install ICFs for us and for others too! We have been booked installing ICFs around the state and soon, we will start installing ICFs in other States also. If you are a homeowner looking to use ICFs, get in touch with me so we can talk! You will be amazed at what we will talk about!

Last year, I got really serious about designing homes for others. This part of the business has completely blown up for us. I am very happy about this! I love drawing houses and have been involved with and loving architecture since my very first architecture class over 20 years ago. I originally wanted to be an architect, but my young mind was wrapped around everything but architecture, so I took another route. Now, I get to draw houses again, and this time, I have the knowledge of building dozens of cutting edge houses, so the designs come easier than they ever have! Let me know if you need help getting an idea onto paper, we are never too busy to talk!

I have just started to discuss the possibility of a recruiting program. This program would be designed to find future stars for our company. I hope to find a handful of hardworking, passionate people who would like to learn an exciting trade. We would take our recruits through the building process and teach them not just how to do things, but why. More on this later, let me know if you know someone who would be interested in learning more about our recruiting..

It amuses me and concerns me greatly to see people writing about topics that they don't entirely know about. This has happened for as long as there has been a medium to write on. Remember, the world is flat conversation? The Internet is both good and bad, the bad part of the Internet, is that anyone can seem like an expert (a word I steer away from) by writing about topics. We are continuously learning with our design and build projects and it is very difficult to write about any topics without speaking about all sides of the story. I believe that comparing technologies, like I did in my book, can only be done by building them, seeing how they work, learning from each house, then improving on them. If I were asked what system is better to build with, ICFs, SIPs, Advanced Framing, Conventional Framing, Earth Shelter/Berming, Straw Bale, etc etc etc, My answer would be, "It depends". If you are writing about topics from within a tiny box, please understand that people read what you write and will see what you are writing as one sided and lacking in content. Please keep an open mind and realize that our job is to gather information from our customers and help them make educated decisions that help them to realize THEIR dreams, not ours.

There is more to cover, but that is for another post..

I hope everyone is doing great!


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