Thursday, December 1, 2011

The solar panels have arrived to the Earth Shelter!

Here is a quick update on the Earth Shelter:

The 24 mono-crystalline PV solar panels arrived the other day to the Earth Shelter. That is about 6,000 watts worth of panels. They will be mounted on racks in the up coming weeks and then the entire Earth Shelter will be up and running using renewable energy. I will detail the system in greater detail in the coming weeks and the crew will film everything for all to see. What I can say now, is that we will have a 48 volt battery system and that the earth shelter will use as its main power source. The solar array will charge the batteries along with the generator when it has to run. The largest residential earth shelter in the world is not attached to the grid or any utility!

We are sending the raw HD video of the entire building of the Earth Shelter to the video production company next week to begin production of the for television documentary! Stay tune for more information...

Thank you to all the emails from the new fans and followers of what we do. It is a great start to the day to read emails from people who are becoming aware of the hazards around them with regards to food, where they live, and everything in between. Adding years to your life is as easy as being aware of the environment around you..

Save the environment doesn't just mean save the planet any more, think of yourself as the planet.....(remember this, you will see this again..)

Have a great day!



  1. Do you ever come out towards the greater Detriot area to speak or teach?

  2. Actually I do. Once the book comes out, I will be down in the area more teaching. I will keep you posted here.
